The Way Forward From Here
- Write a 'social contract'
- Write a list of objectives.
- Set up a mailing list for discussion
- Prepare a '30 second grab' for journalists. This grab should summarise the issues and direct people to join the campaign as a 'letterbox dropper'.
- Prepare to deal with any media enquiries. Newspapers, TV apperances, news slots, radio, trade rags. Make sure we are ready to speak clearly, so others do not speak on our behalf. Whoever speaks will have to be self-disciplined and restrict themselves to the issues at hand.
- Prepare to liase with other parties who have a common goal.
- Set up a web site to contain documents and mailing list archive.
- Get the word out. Try to get as many people on board as possible. This includes interested organisations such as libraries, educational institutions, research organisations.
- Set up a mailing list for 'material for distribution'
- Set up an interactive map based database, allowing people
to 'claim' parts of Australia.
- Decide on material to be distributed.
- Do a letterbox drop.
- On a continuing basis, maintain the mailing list.
- Repeat 'decide on material' and 'distribute' as required, being careful not to overload people's finances.